
Musician III (with a fife)

Type of object
polychromy sculpture, leather
wys. 87, szer. 33, gł. 22
Date of acquisition
31.08 2015
Catalogue no.


2015 – Antoni Toborowicz – Dwa światy [kat. wyst.], Galeria Bielska BWA, 2015, s. 15.


2015 – Antoni Toborowicz – Dwa światy [wystawa indywidualna razem z Józefem Hulką], Galeria Bielska BWA, 2015

Audio description

A moustachioed musician wearing folk clothes: a red horned hat typical for Kraków and a cape popular among Polish Gorals (literally: “highlanders”). Leaning slightly to a side, he is tilting his head to the right in order to put his ear closer to his string instrument called a gusle, which he is holding upright in his left hand. With his right hand, he is lifting the bow to the strings, ready to commence playing ... Sticking out of the lower part of his cape are a pair of baggy knee breeches covering his spindly legs. The figure is standing on a knoll-shaped base, listening. He has a long face with a prominent nose, distinct eyebrows, round eyes. The thick moustache covers the upper lip, and the neck-length hair is marked with distinct engravings. The leather edge of the cape is turned up; the figure's elongated feet are turned inwards. His right foot is slightly raised, tapping out a rhythm. The chisel cuts - oblong, round, deep and shallow - mimic the textures of the hat, trousers, cape, and strings. The sculpture is painted in natural wood colours. The surface of the base is smooth in some parts and rough in others. There is a spiral engraving in front of the figure's left foot. Despite the simplified representation of the figure - which is typical for folk sculpture - the sculpture accurately reflects the person's character, details of dress and instrument.

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